Choose your new Java project !
Grafton Slovakia, s.r.o.
Miesto práce
Celé slovensko, Bratislavský kraj, Bratislava
Pracovná oblasť
Zmluvný vzťah
Pracovná zmluva
Typ úväzku
Práca na plný úväzok
Druh pracovného pomeru
Ponúkaný plat
2 400 - 3 500 EUR / Mesiac
Požadované vzdelanie
Vysokoškolské II. stupňa
Náplň práce
Be part of an international technology company which is one of the world's leaders in its field. Several projects are being launched right now and you can choose according to your own preferences
What you will deal with:
· Work in a team to design and code custom-build solutions based on Enterprise Java technologies and related frameworks
· Write and execute unit tests necessary to ensure that an application or technical environment meets requirements
· Integrate technical and application components
· Follow defined methodology and standards to create a software of high quality
· Guide and coach your colleagues
· Take opportunity to work with Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and other modern technologies
· 3+ years of experience in Java development – Java EE; Spring; Spring-boot;
· Real life experience with Continuous Delivery principles and related tools (Jenkins, Maven/Gradle, Docker)
· Familiar with SQL/NoSQL databases
· Ability to lead of the development team as a technical supervisor
· Scrum & Agile oriented
All the benefits of the company will be presented during the interview process
Grafton Slovakia, s.r.o.
Nám SNP 1, Bratislava, Slovensko
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