HR administrator with German and English

Grafton Slovakia, s.r.o.

Miesto práce
Celé slovensko, Bratislavský kraj, Bratislava
Pracovná oblasť
Iné, Obchod, Služby
Zmluvný vzťah
Pracovná zmluva
Typ úväzku
Práca na plný úväzok
Druh pracovného pomeru
Iné, Obchod, Služby
Ponúkaný plat
1 100 - 1 300 EUR / Mesiac
Požadované vzdelanie
Stredoškolské s maturitou, Vysokoškolské II. stupňa
Náplň práce
Do you want to work for a well-known company on Slovak market? Are you interested in HR administration? Maybe it´s you, we are looking for!
We are searching for responsible person with a passion for HR and administration.

Your job responsibilities will contain :
-Preparations of contracts and amendments for new or current employees
-Processing materials connected with recruitment
-Managing master data and changes of employees in the system
-Communication with all divisions - mainly local HR department
If you are a „people person“ don’t worry! This job contains a lot of email communication with employees and managers from more than 10 EU countries!
-We need someone with fluent German and English (B2)
-Customer orientation
-Good communication skills
-Open-minded person
-Flexible team player
-Motivation for HR related administration
-13th salary
-Discounts in the company store
-Health care Package
-5 sick days per year
-Home office
-Relocation bonus and many others....
Grafton Slovakia, s.r.o.
Nám SNP 1, Bratislava, Slovensko
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