Manufacturing engineer

Grafton Slovakia, s.r.o.

Miesto práce
Celé slovensko, Trenčiansky kraj, Trenčín
Pracovná oblasť
Chemický priemysel
Zmluvný vzťah
Pracovná zmluva
Typ úväzku
Práca na plný úväzok
Druh pracovného pomeru
Chemický priemysel
Ponúkaný plat
3 000 - 3 600 EUR / Mesiac
Požadované vzdelanie
Vysokoškolské II. stupňa
Náplň práce
- Manage international projects with international and interdisciplinary teams. Carry out project planning, steering and controlling on the basis of agreed targets and schedule (Implementation Plan Fulfilment)
- Drive and execute international projects with a focus on Performance Management from definition to successful implementation at all involved production locations by steering international project teams, managing and supporting the project tasks
- Ensure an international collaboration and interdisciplinary working environment for the exchange of improvement ideas, best practices and best solutions at the worldwide locations and with other business divisions in order to standardize production and to ensure profitability
- Collaborate with the Operational Excellence Departments within the other Business Divisions (BDs); Involve in inter-divisional strategic projects, being the global BD counterpart for specific topics
- Involve in the continual further development of divisional OPEI strategy in comparison with the strategies of the respective Business Division as well comprehensive divisional crosscheck and alignment
- Drive and partially realize the design, revision and standardization of corporate Performance Management processes, methods and tools ensuring the coherence with one another and with the general objectives of Operations, Productivity Management and Business Process Management (BPM)
- Drive the definition of educational training concepts and create training material in regard to Lean Production and Continuous Improvement (OPEI Academy). Guide, train, coach and qualify the Operational Excellence organization including onboarding and roll-out of new Processes, Methods and Tools

- Continuously identify improvement potential, develop new concepts for measures and safeguard realization within a feasible period of time. Support plants to leverage opportunities
- Organize, prepare, moderate and post-process meetings and workshops within the global OPEI network
- university degree
- more than 5 up to 6 years of experience in the area in a manufacturing company
- active knowledge of English
- very good organizational, communication and presentation skills
- 20% výkonnostná prémia
- ostatné benefity budú prezentované na osobnom pohovore
Grafton Slovakia, s.r.o.
Republiky 7, Žilina, Slovensko
Kontaktná osoba: