Sales representative with technical backroung for Poland
Proofest Slovakia s.r.o.
Pracovná oblasť
Zmluvný vzťah
Pracovná zmluva, Živnostenský list / IČO, Iné
Typ úväzku
Práca na plný úväzok, Práca na skrátený úväzok
Druh pracovného pomeru
Ponúkaný plat
1 200 - 6 000 EUR / Mesiac
Solary has two part: fix - basic , and variable with no limits (depend on sales activity)
Požadované vzdelanie
Stredoškolské s maturitou, Nadstavbové/vyššie odborné vzdelanie, Vysokoškolské I. stupňa, Vysokoškolské II. stupňa, Vysokoškolské III. stupňa
Termín ukončenia výberového konania
Náplň práce
Independent search for business opportunities
Business negotiations with competent company representatives
Obtaining inquiries, incl. data and technical documents (drawing documentation) necessary for determining a suitable price offer, as well as data on the legal and economic situation of the customer
Processing and submission of offers to customers, discussion and explanation by customer representatives
Business / technical negotiations with competent representatives of customers and suppliers
Coordination of orders, at the level of customer - supplier - constructor
Supervision of assigned projects, responsibility for deadlines and costs
Supply and cooperation management
Reporting of all suggestions and comments from customers
Transfer of knowledge and experience within the sales team
Carrying out other work tasks according to the instructions of the superior
Regular participation in business team meetings
Požiadavky na zamestnanca
Employee requirements
- Communicativeness
- Flexibility
- Purposefulness
- Systemicity
- Integrity, correctness, work commitment
- The effort to move things forward and independence
Zamestnanecké výhody, benefity
Employee benefits, benefits
- Professional work environment
- A young team of colleagues
- A rapidly developing company
- Home office possibility
- Basic income and uncapped rewards
Informácie pre uchádzača
Information for the applicant:
If you are motivated, communicative, you are pursuing your goal, this is a good opportunity for you to become a member of a young team in a developing company, and in addition, with unlimited income opportunities directly dependent on your business activity.
Stručná charakteristika spoločnosti :
We are young growing company with strong mechanical and engineering skills.
Main product:
Custom made parts (based on drawing specification), Fixtures (Measuring , Aseembly, Welding), Tools (cutting, punching, bending)
Proofest Slovakia s.r.o.
Šávoľská cesta, Fiľakovo, Slovensko
Kontaktná osoba: Richard Nagy